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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

EVERYONE has had their share of Facebook issues.

Okay, cut it out and just admit it.  There is one person on your Facebook friend's list who you know is only your friend because he/she is snooping around looking for God knows what to report to God knows whom....RIGHT?

Thinking about the ways Social Networking Sites impact relationships, it's becoming so easy to "stalk" people and relationships can be hurt by the simplest things, like reading too much into a wall post or comment.... 

Online social networking was supposed to make us closer and in some ways it has. Thanks to these social networks, many of us have gotten back in touch with old friends, shared old and new photos and even became better friends with some people we wouldn't have spoken to otherwise.

On that same note, social networking sites like Facebook has ruined a lot of relationships.  Please, don't misunderstand this statement.  We voluntarily put ourselves in this situation the minute we sign up for our Facebook accounts and decide to release our personal information via status updates, change in relationship status, pictures, wall posts etc..  Basically if we're not careful, our online interactions can hurt our real-life relationships.  But let's be real, it's what we are actually saying that's really choking up our relationships. 

It is very easy for people to get jealous or to much into your business on Facebook. 

I have a lot of examples for this, but here is a classic one.  If someone comments on someone else's page.  Let's say the comment was of a sexual nature but in reality it is an 'inside joke' between two friends.  There are several problems that could arise from this 'inside joke.'  The angry spouse is one, the loud mouth 'Facebook friend' that you know will run back and tell someone "OMG did you see what such and such wrote on such and such wall," and even the friend that just has to know what you all are talking about but clearly it wasn't meant to be shared, etc...  So essentially a comment can lead to so many places.

Facebook has a  huge impact on all of our relationships. 

Think about this.  This social network that I love so much has the potential to tell EVERYONE on my friend's list everything that I do all thanks to my, news feed.  Am I lying?  Let's take for example one of the main things that you CANNOT remove from your news feed update, HE/SHE IS NOW IN A RELATIONSHIP...At what point does Facebook's news feed allow you tell everyone, that you are in or out of a relationship? (Never)  Do you list the person? If you are casually dating someone, do you put “It’s Complicated” or will that make you look like an ass?  Even just taking off the relationship option causes it to be posted that you have changed your relationship status, which can lead to very uncomfortable conversations.....................................................
Let's go to the next extreme.  EVERYONE has that one friend who CONSTANTLY updates his/her status and it's NEVER or rarely anything worth reading.  One of two things happen. You either end up deleting that friend only for them to find out later and ask a million questions, which then forces you to say, "You annoyed me on Facebook that's why I deleted you."  In most cases the friendship takes a very sour turn here.  The other option is just dealing with it but knowing how annoying that person is on Facebook you make them pay for it with slick comments, or less invites to certain places, etc...RIGHT?
There are a few people who manage to keep their lives separate from Facebook. (They are the ones who don't have a Facebook or have one and only manage to log on once every year. Yes, it's possible!!)  However, for those of us who are lucky enough (laughing) to be on Facebook 'all the time' answer this, Does Facebook hate relationships? Is it harder to maintain any sort of relationship if you have a Facebook page?


  1. i feel like its quite easy to maintain a healthy relationship outside of facebook. technology has taken such a strong hold on our generation (whichever one that may be) that we fail to realize that we argue, break up, and govern our lives based on something on a screen... a screen that can easily be broken and forgotten.

    between social networking sites and blackberries, we are forgetting love letters with a pen and a paper, not with a qwerty and two thumbs... actually meeting one another face to face at a park, because FB chat and BBMing doesnt quite cut it and going to a sports bar with the game on is STILL a distraction...

    if two individuals cannot have a relationship without believing what comes out the other's mouth, is it based on trust and honesty?

    one thing i know for sure is that when "we're" together, he doesn't see my phone and i don't see his. its that complete surrender that shows you real love and genuine affection for one another.


  2. This blog topic is hilarious for so many reasons.

    1. I caught my bf cheating on me via FB
    2. FB was his source of communication with the other woman, which explains why he was on it so much.
    3. I don't blame FB. I blame the idiots that cant control their hormones.
    4.The funniest thing of them all. FB helped me realize how much I didn't give two shits about this guy because in the end I was not hurt at all.

    Ps...I know that it is possible to have a healthy relationship with or without FB.

  3. lol fb stalking the story of my live I have deleted so many people for fb stalking everytime i deleted them they just sent another friend request so eventually they were blocked but seriously if you want to find out some info or check up be a man or a woman about it pick up the phone and call or ask them in person

  4. Let's face it ppl... we've all done our fair share of "FB stalking," whether it may have been an "x"...current...or potential "beau"....its only natural to snoop thru and see whats goin on...however its the level of "snoopin" and the impact that it may have on us is what's important...
    As far as relationships, and social networking goes, in my opinion i honestly believe that two ppl can have a healthy relationship where both individuals have fb/ms/twitter etc. accts. its jus a matter of how dedicated, secured and commited both are in their relationship...We all have to admit that meeting new ppl thru these website can be very excited, and one can't help but to enjoy the attention; wait anxiously for the messages, wall postings, photo comments etc. after all we're only human, BUT it's the extent in which we take it i believe is most important, and the impact it may have on us...though some may consider it "risky business," i think as long as u have self control and a strong bond with your sig. other then there's nothing to worry about...Creating a relationship wit an "open-door policy" i believe is one of the best ways couples could go, that way there's rarely any misunderstandings and communication between the two flows... If you know you're holding up your end of the relationship, then i believe your other should have no reason to go seeking attention elsewhere...However, being that there's no such thing as a "perfect world," and you just happen to have one of those greedy partners, then life goes on...everything happens for a reason, and if they aint do it now while you're only dating, then they're bound to do it some time down the road, cause that's just happens to be who they are...Or we also have those curious individuals, who just always have to ask "wat if...?" again, that's just who they are and if they cant appreciate what's real and right infront of them for what could be a fake and masked behind screens, then they're a damn fool who definately does not deserve your time.

  5. Facebook has nothing to do with your relationship. And, if it does then you have definitely got to be insecure.

    The majority of the "secrets" that are found on facebook are things that the girlfriend or boyfriend already knew but just didn't want to accept.

    Let's keep it real here.

    When someone is in a relationship that they refuse to let go of even possibly due to the embarrassment of being single they will do anything to overlook something negative.

    Facebook only provides the information that someone puts on the website.

    If an inanimate website determines the life that you live, your life will be even harder as you get older.
