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Monday, May 10, 2010

Cheating 101

Is there ever a valid explanation for a man or woman who cheats?  What about those who are cheated on versus those who are cheated with? Are there expectations for the cheated and the cheater? Personally, speaking I am not and have never been a fan of cheaters.  However, I am curious to learn what is it that drives someone to the point where he/she needs to step outside of their marriage or relationship to find comfort in another person's mind, body or soul?


  1. My opinion on this matter the reason one who steps out of the relationship is usually to find comfort in another persons body most of the time. Cheaters don't even desire the title of being called a man or a woman. Cheating is merely child’s play only a child is unable to control sexual desires that they may have for another person while being in a serious relationship, or a marriage. A man or woman would have the sense to break off a relationship if they feel that this desire can't be controlled. A boy or girl would simply continue cheating and hope and pray not to be caught.

  2. I completely agree that cheaters do not deserve the title man or woman. A man or woman takes care of what's at home. Comfort in another person's arms or body is never an issue for a real man or woman. The problem is that people invest so much time and energy into relationships yet take the risk. This is not to say that all relationships are like this but for those who are it is a matter of choice. A very bad choice!

  3. The coolidge effect: which was first introduced by an American President named Calvin Coolidge 1923-1929 tried to explain barnyard animal to his wife.She was curious while visiting a friend's farm on how a few Roosters could fertilized so many hens in other to produce so many eggs daily. It was fascinating to her that they were able to do that, in which she told her aid that she wish her husband had the same ability to perform like these Roosters. When the Aid told Mr.coolidge what his wife just said he told the aid that Mrs Coolige must understand that the level of performance from a Rooster was not only with one hen,but many. In Psychology man try to merge the coolidge effect to humans in which the alpha male often cheat, because they have the desire for new features. How can one compare Barnyard animals to humans? Human cheat,because they are just disrespectful,low,and cheap.

  4. cheating is for the weak minded. talk done!

  5. Even if there were a so-called "valid" explanation for why cheaters cheat who really wants to here it? In all honesty not even the cheaters enjoy being the cheated on and I am sure they do not wish to hear the explanation either. You can not have your cake and eat it too. I rather that you let me go than to DISRESPECT our relationship.
